Payment Options
For your convenience, we accept cash, personal checks, money orders, Visa, Master Card and Discover. Payment is expected at the time services are performed. When more extensive dental care is necessary, we can assist you in financing options such as CareCredit. If you have any questions in regards to payment, or what CareCredit payment plans we utilize, please inquire with any of our front desk coordinators.
Marcantonio Dentistry is currently a participating network provider for Delta Dental Premiere, United Concordia/Tricare Dental Active Duty, and MetLife. However, as a courtesy to you, we will assist you with filing your out-of-network insurance once you make your co-payment, which will be determined by your child’s individual dental policy.
The fees charged for services rendered to those who are insured are the usual and customary fees charged to all our patients for similar services. Your policy may base its allowances on a fixed fee schedule, which may or may not coincide with our usual fees. You should be aware that different insurance companies vary greatly in the types of coverage available. Also, some companies take care of claims promptly while others delay payment for several months.
Most importantly, please remember that you have entered into an agreement with your insurance. Any payment not made by your insurance is your responsibility.